Control and
Mechatronics Lab.

제어 및 메카트로닉스 연구실은
1996년부터 지금까지 임묘택 교수님의 지도 아래

제어 이론 인공 지능 연구와 함께
메카트로닉스 시스템, 로봇, 자율 주행 자동차
다양한 응용 연구를 수행하고 있습니다.


Control Theory & Applications
- Optimal and Robust Control
- Optimization in System and Control
- Intelligent Control and Estimation
- Fuzzy and Neural Network Control
- Multi-sensor and Filter fustion
Artificial Intelligence & Learning Systems
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learnin
- Object Detection and Motion Estimation based on Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning & Applications
Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Object Detection and Tracking
Unmanned & Intelligent Vehicle Systems
- Around View Monitoring
- ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)
- Vision-based Control for Autonomous Vehicles
HW & Platforms
- Humanoid
- Mobile Robots
- Ground Vehicles